Thursday, November 15, 2012

review: chacha can dance on out of my life

What is ChaCha? It's a free cell phone service that answers any question texted by the user. Questions like, "What does an adult gorilla weigh?" or "Are ramen noodles healthy?" or even "What's your motherf****** problem motherf*****???" are not uncommon. ChaCha makes their money serving up ads in all of their response texts. I will not be doing any work for this company.

I signed on with ChaCha as a Vetter. A Vetter looks at all of the possible answers submitted by ChaCha Guides and chooses the most appropriate to text back to the client. If there is no acceptable answer the Vetter uses a search tool provided by ChaCha to find the correct response.

I spent nearly 30 minutes watching orientation videos at "ChaCha University" and then another 30 minutes taking a qualification test vetting answers. Unfortunately the test offered NO answers from Guides for me to vet on any of the 10 questions, I had to look up all of the answers myself. Searching and crafting an answer took from 1-3 minutes per question. And what is the pay rate? One half cent per question, that's right $00.005. Half of a freakin' penny. Even if one could answer a question every 30 seconds that's only 1 cent per minute, or 60 cents per hour. No thanks.

I wasted an hour of my life dancing around with ChaCha and I will never get those sixty minutes back. Don't make the same mistake I did, look for other options like MTurk, Tellwut, and Swagbucks to earn extra cash and gift cards online.

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